The versatile fireproof blanket: from public viewing to everyday use.

Die vielseitige feuerfeste Decke: Vom Public Viewing bis zum täglichen Gebrauch

The versatile fireproof blanket: from public viewing to everyday use

It's that time of year again: soccer fans all over Germany are eagerly awaiting the 2024 European Championships. Many are planning to enjoy the matches together with friends at a big public viewing - whether in a park, on the balcony or in their own garden. A unique atmosphere is in the air. But for the perfect experience, it's not just catering and entertainment that should be considered. There are also certain rules when it comes to safety.

Find out in our blog post why our blanket is the ideal accessory for every household and why you shouldn't do without it either!

With us, one thing is SAFE: comfort and safety don't have to be mutually exclusive. We'll show you how you can integrate both into your everyday life, whether it's for public viewing at the European Football Championship 2024 or for everyday use. Because our fireproof blankets are versatile.

Safety first: Find out about potential sources of danger and how you can minimize them.

At public viewings, it is important to strictly separate potential hazards such as power sources and liquids to avoid the risk of short circuits and electric shocks. Avoid placing drinks near extension leads or sockets and protect all electrical connections from potential splashes.



Barbecuing on the balcony is becoming increasingly popular, but requires special safety precautions, especially in confined spaces. Only use electric or special balcony gas barbecues to minimize the risk of fire. Make sure that the barbecue is placed on a fireproof surface and that a fire extinguisher or fire blanket is to hand so that you can react quickly in an emergency. Also make sure there is sufficient ventilation, keyword: smoke development.


Preparation is Key: Our fireproof blanket offers decisive safety benefits during shared playtime fun.


It can be used quickly and effectively to smother small incipient fires or serve as a fire blanket in extreme fire situations. And if there is a fire "somewhere else", our blanket is the perfect choice for outdoors and indoors to snuggle up comfortably and watch the game.

Our customers report that they have sometimes had discouraging experiences with conventional fire extinguishers. They were either too complicated and difficult to use or left a huge mess behind. Such experiences can cause insecurity with regard to fire situations and the handling of fire extinguishing agents. With our product, we want to encourage, support and educate about fire safety.


Our aim is to ensure that no customer is ever in the position of having to use our blanket to protect against fire. But just in case, we've got you covered!




How do you ensure safety and comfort in your everyday life?

Share your experiences and tips with us and discover our fireproof blankets where we regularly provide information on a variety of sources of danger and safety precautions.